袁亚湘 学术论著目录

  1. ``三次样条插值误差的估计界'' 《湘潭大学自然科学学报》第2卷(1982年) 95-110.
  2. ``Some properties of trust region algorithms for nonsmooth optimization'', Report DAMTP 1983/NA4, Univeristy of Cambridge, England.
  3. ``Global convergence of trust region algorithms for nonsmooth optimization'', Report DAMTP 1983/NA13, University of Cambridge, England.
  4. Trust region Algorithms for Nonsmooth Optimization (December, 1983) J.T. Knight Prize winner at the University of Cambridge.
  5. ``On the least Q-order of convergence of variable metric algorithms'', IMA J. Numerical Analysis 4(1984) 233-239.
  6. ``Conditions for superlinear convergence in $l_1$ and $l_\infty$ solutions of overdetermined nonlinear equations'', (with M.J.D. Powell) IMA J. Numerical Analysis 4(1984) 241-251.
  7. ``An example of only linearly convergence of trust region algorithms for nonsmooth optimization'', IMA J. Numerical Analysis 4(1984) 327-335.
  8. ``Conditions for convergence of trust region algorithms for nonsmooth optimization'', Mathematical Programming 31(1985) 220-228.
  9. ``On the superlinear convergence of a trust region algorithm for nonsmooth optimization'', Mathematical Programming 31(1985) 269-285.
  10. ``An only 2-step Q-superlinear convergence example for some algorithms that use reduced Hessian approximation'', Mathematical Programming 32(1985) 224-231.
  11. Some Theories and Algorithms in Nonlinear Programming (Ph. D. Thesis, December, 1985) University of Cambridge.
  12. ``A recursive quadratic programming algorithm that use differentiable exact penalty function'', (with M.J.D. Powell) Mathematical Programming 35(1986) 265-278.
  13. ``Some results in nonsmooth optimization'', J. Computational Mathematics 5(1987) 74-88.
  14. ``Global convergence of a class of variable metric algorithms'', (with R. Byrd and J. Nocedal) SIAM J. Numerical Analysis 4(1987) 1171-1190.
  15. ``非线性规划-- 现状与进展'',《运筹学杂志》第8卷(1989年) 12-22. 英译发表于: ``Nonlinear programming - a review'', Advances in Mathematics (China) 19(1990) 12-24.
  16. ``On a subproblem of trust region algorithms for constrained optimizaiton'', Mathematical Programming 47(1990) 53-63.
  17. `` A trust region algorithm for equality constrained optimization'' (with M.J.D. Powell), Mathematical Programming 49(1991) 189-211.
  18. ``A dual algorithm for minimizing a quadratic function with two quadratic constraints'', J. Computational Mathematics 9(1991) 348 -- 359.
  19. ``A modified BFGS algorithm for unconstrained optimization'', IMA J. Numerical Analysis 11(1991) 325-332.
  20. ``On self-dual update formulae in the Broyden family'', Optimization Methods and Software 1(1992) 117-127.
  21. ``A short note on an $L_1$ minimization algorithm'', (with Z.Q. Yang), J. Computational Mathematics 10(1992) 291-295.
  22. ``一维优化的一个二阶收敛算法''(和王慧娟合著), 《运筹学杂志》 第11卷(1992年) 1-10.
  23. 《非线性规划数值方法》(专著, 22.5万字, 属于``现代数学丛书''), 上海科学技术出版社, 1993年出版.
  24. ``Analysis of a self-scaling quasi-Newton method'', Mathematical Programming 61(1993) 19-37.
  25. ``A new trust region algorithm for nonlinear optimizattion'', in: D. Bainov and V. Covachev, eds. Numerical Analysis (VSP, Zeist, 1993) pp. 141--152.
  26. ``Analysis on the conjugate gradient method'', Optimization Methods and Software 2(1993) 19-29.
  27. ``$\Phi$ 函数的性质和它的应用''(和彭积明合著), 《计算数学》 第16卷(1994年) 102-107.
  28. ``$\Phi_\alpha$ 函数和Broyden 簇''(和彭积明合著), 《计算数学》 第16卷(1994年) 204-210. 英译发表于: Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl. 16:2(1994) 97--106
  29. ``信赖域方法的收敛性'', 《计算数学》 第16卷(1994年) 332-346. 英译发表于: Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl. 16:4(1994) 92--106.
  30. ``Trust region algorithms for constrained optimization'', in: J.Z. Cui, Z.C. Shi and D.L. Wang, eds., Proceedings of Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computing for Young Chinese Scientists (National Defence Industry Press, Beijing, 1994) pp. 105 --110.
  31. ``Trust region algorithms for nonlinear programming'', in Z.C. SHi, ed. Comtemporary Mathematics Vol 163 (American Mathematics Society, 1994), pp. 205 --225.
  32. ``Nonlinear Programming: trust region algorithms'', 萧树铁、吴方主编《第三届中国工业与应用数学学会年会文集》 (清华大学出版社, 1994). pp. 84--102.
  33. ``A Subspace study on conjugate gradient alogorithms'' (with J. Stoer), ZAMM Z. angew. Math. Mech 75(1995) 69-77.
  34. ``Non-quasi-Newton updates for unconstrained optimization'' (with Richard H. Byrd) J. Computational Mathematics 13(1995) 95-107
  35. ``On the convergence of a new trust region algorithm'', Numerische Mathematik 70(1995) 515-539.
  36. ``Convergence of DFP algorithm'', Science in China (Series A) 38(1995) 1281--1294.
  37. ``Convergence properties of the Fletcher-Reeves method'' (with Y.H. Dai) IMA J. Numer. Ana. 16 (1996) 155-164.
  38. ``A short note on the Duff-Nocedal-Reid algorithm'', Bulletin of South East Asian Mathematics Society 20(1996) 137-144.
  39. 广义 Wolfe线搜索下Fletcher-Reeves 方法的收敛性, 《高等学校计算数学学报》 第18卷(1996年) 142--148.
  40. ``Global convergence of the method of shortest residuals'' (with Y.H. Dai), 曾庆存、李大潜主编《第四届中国工业与应用数学学会年会文集》 (复旦大学出版社, 1996) pp. 572--575.
  41. ``Convergence properties of conjugate descent method'' (with Y.H. Dai), Advances in Mathematics (China), 25(1996) 552--562.
  42. ``非线性规划的信赖域方法'', 冯长根、李后强、祖元刚主编《非线性科学的理论, 方法和应用》(科学出版社, 1997) pp.57--64.
  43. 《最优化理论和方法》 (专著, 和孙文瑜合著, 53.8万字, 属于``博士丛书''), 科学出版社, 1997年出版.
  44. ``From quasi-Newton methods to non-quasi-Newton methods'', Progress in Natural Science 7(1997) 14-23.
  45. ``Unconstrained methods for generalized complementarity problems'', (with J.M. Peng) J. Comp. Math. 15(1997) 253-264.
  46. ``SLMQN: 一个解大规模边界约束 非线性规划子空间有限存储 拟牛顿方法的FORTRAN 优化软件'' (与倪勤合著) 《数值计算与计算机应用》 18(1997) 173--179.
  47. ``Optimality Conditions for the Minimization of a Quadratic with Two Quadratic Constraints'' (with J.M. Peng), SIAM J. optimization 7(1997) 574-594.
  48. ``A simple multi-start algorithm for global optimization'' (with F. Hickernell), Operational Research Transaction (China) 1(1997) no.2. 1--12.
  49. ``A subspace limited memory quasi-Newton algorithm for large-scale nonlinear bound constrained optimization'' (with Q. Ni), Mathematics of Computations 66(1997) 1509--1520.
  50. ``A stronger extension of the Hardy inequality'' (with L.H. Wang), Linear Algebra and Appln. 270(1998) 275--286.
  51. ``Combining trust region and line search techniques'', (with J. Nocedal), in: Y. Yuan, ed. Advances in Nonlinear Programming (Kluwer, 1998), pp. 153--175.
  52. ``An example of non-convergence of trust region algorithms''. in: Y. Yuan, ed. Advances in Nonlinear Programming (Kluwer, 1998), pp. 205--215.
  53. ``Some Properties of a new conjugate gradient method'' (with Y.H. Dai), in: Y. Yuan, ed. Advances in Nonlinear Programming (Kluwer, 1998), pp. 251--262.
  54. ``Matrix computation problems in trust region algorithms for optimization'' 曾庆存、李大潜等主编《第五届中国工业与应用数学学会年会文集》 (清华大学出版社, 1998) pp. 52--64.
  55. ``Beale-Powell 重开始方法'' (与戴或虹合著), 《中国科学》 28(1998) 424--432. 英译发表于: ``Convergence properties of the Beale-Powell restart algorithm'' (with Y.H. Dai), Science in China 41(1998) 1142-1150. extended abstract was appeared in: 赵伟、张忠铺、张可村主编《运筹学的理论与应用 -- 中国运筹学会第五届大会论文集》 (西安电子科技大学出版社, 1996) pp. 120--122.
  56. ``Trust region algorithms for nonlinear equations'', Information 1(1998) 7--20.
  57. ``Problems on convergence of unconstrained optimization algorithms'', in: Y. Yuan, ed., Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization (Science Press, Beijing, New York, 1999), pp. 95--107.
  58. ``Optimality conditions for CDT subproblem'' (with X.D. Chen) in: Y. Yuan, ed., Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization (Science Press, Beijing, New York, 1999), pp. 111 --121.
  59. ``A note on quadritic forms'',(with Xin Chen) Math. Program., 86 (1999) 187-197.
  60. ``Global convergence of the method of shortest residuals'', (with Y.H. Dai) Numer. Math. 83(1999) 581-598.
  61. ``Strong duality for a trust-region type relaxation of the quadratic assignment problem'', (with K. Anstreicher, X. Chen and H. Wolkowicz), Linear Algebra and its Appl. 301(1999) 121-136.
  62. ``A nonlinear conjugate gradient method with a strong global convergence property'', (with Y.H. Dai) SIAM J. Optimization 10(1999) 177-182.
  63. ``Convergence properties of nonlinear conjugate gradient methods'', (with Y.H. Dai, J.Y. Han, D.F. Sun, and H.Y. Yin), SIAM J. Optimization 10(1999) 345-358.
  64. ``Convergence of three-term conjugate gradient methods'' (with Y.H. Dai) Math. Mumer. Sinica 21(1999) 355-362; Translated in Chinese J. Numer, Math. 21(1999) 69-78.
  65. ``On local solutions of the CDT subproblem'' (with X.D. Chen), SIAM J. Optimization 10(1999) 359-383.
  66. ``A potential reduction algorithm for an extended SDP problem'', (with J.W. Nie) Science in China 43(2000) 35--46.
  67. ``On the truncated conjugate gradient method'', Math. Prog. 87(2000) 561-571.
  68. ``A robust algorithm for optimization with general equality and inequality constraints''(with X.W. Liu), SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 22(2000) 517-534.
  69. ``A review of trust region algorithms for optimization'', in: J.M. Ball and J.C.R. Hunt, eds., ICM99: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, (Oxford Press, 2000) pp. 271-282.
  70. 《非线性共轭梯度法》(与戴或虹合著), 上海科学技术出版社, 2000年出版.
  71. ``A scaled central path for linear programming'', Journal of Comp. Math. 19(2001) 35-40.
  72. ``On maxima of dual function of the CDT subproblem'' (with X.D. Chen), Journal of Comp. Math. 19(2001) 113-124.
  73. ``A three-parameter family of nonlinear conjugate gradient methods'', (with Y.H. Dai), Math. Comp. 70(2001) 1155-1167.
  74. ``A robust trust region algorihm for solving general nonlinear progamming'', (With X.W. Liu), Journal of Comp. Math. 19(2001) 309-322.
  75. ``A null space algorithm for constrained optimization'', in: Z.C. Shi et al eds., Advances in Scientific Computing (Science Press, Beijing/New York, 2001) pp. 210-218.
  76. ``An efficient hybrid conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization'' (with Y.H. Dai), Annals of OR, 103(2001) 33-47.
  77. ``A predictor-corrector algorithm for QSDP combing Dikin-type and Newton centering steps''(with J.W. Nie), Annals of OR, 103(2001) 115-133.
  78. `` A conic trust-region method for nonlinearly constrained optimization'' (with Sun W.Y.), Annals of OR 103(2001) 175-191.
  79. ``An Extended Class of Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods'' (with Y.H. Dai), in: D. Li ed. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (December 2001, Hongkong), pp. 778-785.
  80. ``A new trust region algorithm with trust region radius converging to zero'' (with J.Y. Fan), in: D. Li ed. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (December 2001, Hongkong), pp. 786--794.
  81. ``A trust region-CG algorithm for deblurring problem in Atmospheric image reconstruction''(with Y.F. Wang and H.C. Zhang), Science in China 45(2002) 731--740.
  82. ``On the regularity of a trust region-CG algorithm for nonlinear ill-posed inverse problems''(with Y.F. Wang), in: T. Sunada, P.W. Sy and Y. Lo eds., Proceedings of the Third Asian Mathematicial Conference 2002, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002) pp. 562--580.
  83. ``Modified two-point stepsize gradient methods for unconstrained optimization''(with Y.H. Dai and J.Y. Yuan), Computational Optimization and Applications 22(2002) 103--109.
  84. ``A note on the nonlinear conjugate gradient method'', (with Y.H. Dai), Journal of Comp. Math. 20(2002) 575-582.
  85. ``Linear systems associated with numerical methods for constrained optimization'', Journal of Comp. Math. 21(2003) 71-84.
  86. ``A Class of globally convergent conjugate gradient methods'' (with Y.H. Dai), Science in China 46(2003) 253-261.
  87. ``Conic Trust region method for linearly constrained optimization'', (with W.Y. Sun and J.Y. Yuan) J. Comp. Math. 21 (2003) 295-304.
  88. ``Alternate minimization gradient method'' (with Y.H. Dai), IMA J. Num. Anal. 23(2003) 377-393.
  89. ``Some Problems in nonlinear programming'', in: Y.Yuan, ed. Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization (Science Press, Beijing/NewYork, 2003) pp. 98-110.
  90. ``A trust region method for solving distributed parameter identification problems''(with Y.F. Wang), Journal of Comp. Math. (2003) 759-772.
  91. ``A subspace trust region method for large scale unconstrained optimization'' (with Z.H. Wang and Z.W. Wen), in: Y.Yuan, ed. Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization (Science Press, Beijing/NewYork, 2004) pp. 265-274.
  92. "Convergence and regularity of trust region methods for nonlinear ill-posed inverse problems" (with Y.F. Wang), Inverse Problems 21(2005) 821-838.
  93. ``On the quadratic convergence of the Levenberg-Marquardt method without nonsingularity assumption'' (with J.Y. Fan), Computing 74(2005) 23-39.
  94. ``Analysis of monotone gradient methods''(with Y.H. Dai), J. Industrial and Management Optimization 1(2005) 181-192.
  95. ``Computing a Celis-Dennis-Tapia step''(with G.D. Li), J. Comput. Math. 23(2005) 463-478.
  96. ``A new stepsize for the steepest descent method'' Report, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004. accepted by Journal of Computational Mathematics
  97. ``A new linearization method for quadratic assignment problems'', (with Y. Xia), accepted by Optimization Methods and Software
  98. ``Step-sizes for the gradient method", Presented at the ICCM 2004 Conference.